Well Hailey and Kayetlynn had a great school year. They both had advancement ceremonies. I am so proud of both of them. They have grown so much and are so very intelligent. I couldn't be prouder of the wonderful little girls God gave me!
Well Easter was a blast. The girls looked so beautiful and they enjoyed the whole day. Kimberly got to experience it all for the first time and had lots of fun. We had Easter with our California Family :)! I am so grateful for all the wonderful people God has put in our lives. We truly are blest with wonderful family and friends. Hailey informed me that when we make new friends they become part of our family... and in a way (with our lives) they do!
We had so much fun for St. Patricks Day! The girls were all in their St. Patrick shirts and we went to the playground after school. Kimberly had a blast in the swing. They are all growing so fast.
Well Hailey is offically 6 and did she have a party! A lot of kids came and they all had a blast. She is growing so fast and getting more intellegent and beautiful everyday. I think soon she will be smarter than I am. :)!
Well I have to say we have 2 terrific softball players. Michael and I were so proud of them. They had the first game on Saturday and they played so well. I couldn't believe they didn't get any of my sports ability. They obviously inherited their daddy's athletic ability. They are growing so fast and are so incredibly talented. Everyday they amaze me. They are so wonderful. I am so blessed.
Everyone has said that they can't believe the girls had their first school dance at 4 and 5, but it was so fun and they had a blast. I am not sure I would even call it a dance as much as it was just a bunch of little kids running and jumping around. It was crazy and super fun.
Well Kimberly pulled up for the first time about a week and half ago. She was in her crib and just stood up. I didn't have the camera the first time but I did have the second time. Now she is starting to pull up on everything. She was standing up holding on to the toy basket and she reached for something on the other side of it and fell in. It was so funny. She is growing so fast.
Our family is constantly growing and what better way to keep you all updated than by starting a blog site of our own. I am so grateful for the wonderful family God has given us. I have an great husband and 3 beautiful little girls. It seems like every day we have something new going on. Hailey and Kayetlynn keep us going with how fast they are learning and just how wonderful they are to be around. Kimberly keeps us on our toes. Everyday she wakes up a new baby. She is always doing something new and she discovers new ways to get to things she shouldn't have. Well I will keep you posted on all the wonderful things happening in our lives.